Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Elements of Art –

texture- a rough surface that can be felt and seen.

form-the visible shape or configuration of something.

line-a long straight mark

color-is light reflected off objects

value-importance of something

shape-the look of an object with different dimensions, expresses length, width, and depth of forms.

Principles of design--
Space a three dimensional area in which elements of design are placed.

repetition-Repeating visual elements

balance-arranging elements so that no one part of a work is heavier than the other

emphasis-an area or object within the artwork that draws attention

movement-the path the viewer’s eye takes through the artwork

pattern-Repeating visual elements such as line

proportion-relative size and scale of the various elements in a design

rhythm-movement in which some elements recurs regularly

unity-the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function together

variety-to change the character of an element

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